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Privacy Policy

Say to You is committed to user privacy, and we do not intentionally collect sensitive information, such as personally identifiable information, financial details, health information, or other confidential data. By using the Services, users acknowledge and agree to the collection, transfer, storage, disclosure, and other uses of their information as outlined in this Privacy Policy. We strongly encourage you to review our Privacy Policy carefully. If you have questions, please contact

Account Information. 
Registration for Say to You Service is available exclusively through users’ email addresses associated with either the user's Google Account or Apple Account. Email addresses serve as the means of providing our Services to users and other Say to You users. Furthermore, users can manage their personal information within the ‘My’ section.
User Activity Privacy. 
In the ‘My’ section, users will find two lists containing audio clips: one for the audio clips users have generated and another one for audio clips users saved. Content generated by the user is visible to anyone visiting their profile. On the other hand, the list of saved clips is private and can only be accessed by the user.

Inactivate or delete the Account. 
By default, if users stop using Say to You Service and remain offline for at least one year, their account will become inactive for 30 days. During this period, users will receive an email notification with this information. After the 30-day days, the user's account and saved lists will be deleted. 
Additionally, when users are reported by others, their accounts may be subject to inactivation or deletion due to violations of our guidelines. Examples of such violations include engaging in offensive behavior, solicitation, harassment, providing false information, sharing sexually explicit content, spamming, and promoting self-harm or suicide, as indicated by the 'Report Post' or 'Report User' feature.
While our systems are designed to adhere to these data deletion procedures, we cannot guarantee the complete and permanent deletion of all data due to technical limitations. 

Generated Audio clips. 
Every audio clip shared through the Services is set to public, meaning that when users provide content, it is published and accessible for anyone to listen to. Once the audio clips are sent, they become the property of the Service. As a result, users may forfeit any rights they may have had regarding that content. 

Data Collect. 
We collect data to enhance, protect, and advance our Services. This information is gathered through log clips each time users interact with our platform. To collect and analyze this data, we use internal tools, third-party applications, and services like Google Analytics. The information is only collected and utilized in an aggregated form for statistical purposes, ensuring it does not personally identify users or their accounts. Account identifiers, including information provided by Google and Apple, or any other information will be removed after 18 months.

Data Storage.
Once users send audio clips to Say to You Service, it is stored for analysis within our system. All data, including additional information needed for Say to You Service, is securely stored. We prioritize retaining only the minimum necessary information for the operation of the service.

Email Communication. 
Certain communications related to users' accounts are essential and cannot be opted out of.  Please be aware that we never send emails to request users' passwords or other account information.

Privacy Assurance
Any personal data users provide through 'Contact Us' is securely retained solely for investigating the matter and facilitating communication regarding their specific cases. All personal data will be treated with confidentiality and used exclusively for resolving the inquiry.

Third Parties. 
We may collaborate with third parties. If users use other third-party services along with our services, their use of those services is governed by the respective terms and policies of those third parties.

We will update this privacy policy to be current, accurate, and clear. By continuing to use our services, users confirm their acceptance of any updated privacy policy.


Terms of use

Say to You is a social media platform centered around short audio clips, allowing users to send their uploaded recording clips to the platform and listen to other users. Say to You application is provided by Sphere Min Inc. When users create a Say to You account or use Say to You, users agree to our Terms of Service (“Terms”) by installing or using our features, applications, services, technologies, and software (together, “Services”). Currently, this service is only available in the United States. The platform shares the audio clips submitted by users with all platform users. However, access is restricted solely to the audio clips and the information provided in the profile under the 'My' menu. The Services are designed to refrain from collecting or storing any sensitive information.

Minimum Age. 
Say to You is a service exclusively targeting users aged 18 and above in both the United States and other countries. By signing up or using any Service, you confirm that you are at least eighteen (18) years old. We verify users' ages to ensure lawful use of the service, and access and usage are prohibited if you are not at least eighteen (18) years old.
Account Registration. 
To use Say to You, users must sign up using their current Google Account or Apple Account during the registration process. By doing so, users consent to receive emails from us or third-party providers. The information users shared, including Basic Identifiers, Authentication, Profile Details, and Connection Information under Google or Apple's Service Providers, remains under your ownership.
Data Privacy. 
Say to You does not sell, or rent users' data or content in any way. users acknowledge and agree to our data practices outlined in our Privacy Policy by using our Services. Additionally, users consent to transfer their information and metadata to countries where we have facilities, service providers, or partners to facilitate the operation of our Services.
By consenting to download and install updates for our Services, users can use new features and improved functionality.
Violation of Terms.  
When using our Services, users must adhere to our Terms and Policies. If a user account is disabled due to a violation of our Terms, creating another account is prohibited without explicit permission. Examples of violations include engaging in offensive behavior, solicitation, harassment, providing false information, sharing sexually explicit content, spamming, and promoting self-harm or suicide, as indicated by the 'Report Post' or 'Report User' feature. 

Fees and Taxes. 
Users are responsible for data and mobile carrier fees and taxes associated with the devices on which users use our Services.

Legal and Acceptable Use. 
Users agree to use the Say to You exclusively for legal, authorized, and acceptable purposes. It is prohibited to employ our Services in a manner that infringes upon or violates the rights of Apple, Android, our users, or any other individuals or entities. This includes but is not limited to, infringements on privacy, publicity, or intellectual property rights.
Third-party Services. 
Our Services may provide users with the ability to access, use, or interact with various third-party websites, applications, content, and other products and Services. All Third-party Services-specific terms and privacy policies will be independently governed.

Copyright©2024 Sphere Min Inc. All rights reserved. All copyrights, trademarks, domains, logos, patents, and other intellectual property rights related to our Services are owned by Sphere Min Inc. Unless users have obtained our written permission, users are prohibited from using the aforementioned intellectual property rights and any other associated rights. If users need to report misuse, please contact

2. Disclaimers and Limitations
Our Services are provided on an "as is" basis, without any express or implied warranties, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, non-infringement, and freedom from computer viruses or other harmful code. 
We do not guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the provided information, and we do not guarantee that our services are error-free, safe, or uninterrupted. Therefore, we are not responsible for any financial, mental, or other damages that may arise as a result of this.
Our Services may experience interruptions for maintenance and upgrades due to network or equipment failures. Additionally, we reserve the right to discontinue some or all of our Services, including specific features and support for certain devices and platforms, at any time. 

Limitation of liability. 
By signing up for our Services, users acknowledge and confirm that they are at least 18 years old. If users are under the age of 18, we do not hold any responsibility for the use of our Services.
We are not liable for the actions or information, including content, provided by our users or any third parties.  Any claims or damages, whether known or unknown, arising from or connected to such actions or information are not our responsibility.
We will not be liable to users for any lost profits or consequential, special, punitive, indirect, or incidental damages relating to, arising out of, or in any way in connection with our terms or Services. 
The foregoing disclaimer of certain damages and limitation of liability will apply to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law in Delaware. The laws of some states or jurisdictions may not allow the exclusion or limitation of certain damages, so some or all of the exclusions and limitations set forth above may not apply to users. In situations contrary to our terms, our liability will be limited to the maximum extent applicable law allows.

Resolving Disputes and Ending Terms.
Users agree to address any legal claims, whether related to or arising from our Terms, us, or our Services, in the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware. Users also consent to the personal jurisdiction of these courts for the litigation of such disputes. The laws of Delaware in the United States govern any legal proceedings, be it in court or arbitration, that may arise between Say to You and users. 
We retain the right to modify, suspend, or terminate users' access to our Services at any time and for any reason. This action will only be taken if it violates our Terms or poses a risk, harm, or potential legal exposure to Say to You. Even after the user relationship with Say to You is terminated, provisions in our Use and Policies will remain in effect.

Exclusive Terms for users outside the United States. 
While Say to You offers its Services globally and encourages individuals to express themselves freely, it's noted that Say to You's servers and operations are based in the United States. Consequently, Say to You's policies and procedures are governed by the laws of the United States. Using our Services, users acknowledge that we will transfer, store, and process users' information, including users’ content and any personal data, in the United States. This is necessary to provide users with the Services and fulfill our obligations under this Agreement, regardless of whether users are in a country subject to U.S. jurisdiction, embargoes, or currently residing within the United States.
General Terms.
Say to You Service reserves the right to update these Terms as necessary. Any updates will be accompanied by the most recent 'Last Modified' date. By continuing to use our Services, users acknowledge and accept the updated Terms, which supersede any prior versions. Users will be notified of updates via email.  If users disagree with our Terms, it is advised that users discontinue using Say to You.

If any provision of the Terms is deemed unlawful or unenforceable, that particular provision will be considered separate from the rest of our Terms. It will not affect the enforceability of the remaining provisions. Our Services are not intended for distribution or use in any country where such activities would violate local laws or subject us to regulations in another country. We retain the right to restrict our Services in any language and country as necessary. If users have any specific inquiries about these Terms, please contact us at

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